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Palo Santo

Regular price $3.50 USD
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Palo Santo Benefits:

  • It helps clear negative energy. The high resin content of palo santo wood is believed to have purifying properties when it's burned, hence why it was traditionally used to clear negative energy and purify spaces, people, and objects.
  • Its scent is relaxing, peaceful and Joyous 
  • Helps to ease stress and pain.
  • As you take the Palo Santo stick into the corners of each room or space you are cleansing, say aloud: "I ask that the plant spirit of Palo Santo please infuse this space with blessings". A rich smell will fill the air, bringing peace and clarity to the moment.
  • After you set an intention, it's really up to you on how frequently you'd like to smudge with Palo Santo. There are some people who do it every day as part of a daily ritual. Many spiritual healers suggest you should smudge when you feel you or your space needs it.